Kinetic Sculpture of Ocean Waves

An installation of the tele-present water series by David Bowen was exhibited recently in Poland's Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu as part of the 2011 WRO Biennale. The installation translates real-time wave data from a NOAA buoy in the Pacific Ocean into the undulations of this mechanical grid sculpture in the video below. It is amazing.

This sculpture gives us a glimpse into the dynamics of ocean waves in a remote patch of the Pacific Ocean that we would never otherwise see.

Bowen is an American artist who works in kinetic sculpture, creating mechanical devices that interact with natural processes and systems. His fascination with machines is evident in the intricate design of his sculptures and the integration of real-time field data makes those in Bowen's tele-present water series even more compelling as they are mechanical representations of physical phenomena.  BP