Advanced Style | Blog & New Film Celebrate our Stylish Elders

Here at Future-ish, especially with our Stylish Scientist List, we often get labelled as promoting too much consumerism, fashion, etc. What we have always felt is that true style, the essence of style is about expressing yourself and your individuality in all of the personal lifestyle choices you fashion, in food, in travel, etc. We can't think of a better example of exactly this point than the internationally renowned blog Advanced Style that has now made it's way into a full documentary (see video below).

Curated and written by Ari Seth Cohen, the blog and film project highlight some of our most creative and stylish 'Elders' in New York City and around the world, schooling us all on how to live life to the fullest. What is clear form Cohen's sparkling subjects is that expressing oneself and one's individuality only gets better with age.