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The Future-ish Field Guide to Science is where you can find the latest and greatest news, information, and resources on the science shaping the future. We update our field guides frequently so please do come back soon and often. Have a suggestion? Want to get listed? Interested in sponsoring a Field Guide page? Simply send an email to email(dot)future-ish(at)gmail(dot)com to give us a shout out.
SACNAS | Society for Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science
Age of Engagement | communicating science in society
BBC Future | science with a spot of tea
Cocktail Party Physics | physics with a twist
Culture of Science | everything is connected
DiscoBlog | quirky, funny, and surprising science
H+ | trends changing humans in fundamental ways
Hip2b2 | edutainment in South Africa
IBS | International Biogeography Society
The Intersection | where science and society meet
Isis the Scientist | domestic & laboratory goddess, & shoes
It's OK to be Smart | ...and other interestingness
LabSpaces | social network for the science community
The Loom | Carl Zimmer's thoughts and occasional zingers
Lost in Space | science news & discussion down unda
NPR's 13.7 | opinions at intersection of science & culture
NYT | New York Times Science News
Not Exactly Rocket Science | Ed Yong's world of science
PopTech | world-chainging people, projects, ideas
REALScience | from nature to high tech
Science Blogs | global science communications
Science Daily | latest research news
Science with Moxie | musical notes on neuroscience
SciGuy | a science blog with Eric Berger
Southern Fried Science | critical thinking in the Carolinas
Speakeasy Science | science writer extraordinaire
Txchnologist | industry, technology, ingenuity, GE
The Urban Scientist | a hip hop maven on the sciences
WIRED Science | News for your neurons
World Science Festival | one big science party
Diana Eng | fashion engineered from dreams
Websites | science, history, space, tech, sharks
How Stuff Works | its good to know
Future Current | Perspectives on Emerging Technologies
Live Science | innovative and intriguing science
SEED Magazine | science is culture
Citizen Scientist | SAS biweekly publication
Cosmos | science and culture from down unda
Discover | science, technology, and the future
Mental Floss| where knowledge junkies get their fix
Nautilus | science, culture, philosophy
Popular Science | the future now
Science | AAAS science journal
Science News | weekly science newsmagazine
The Scientist | magazine of the life sciences
Science & Vie | en francais bien sur!
Scientific American | science and technology information
Seed Magazine | science is culture
Smithsonian | science, nature, art, culture
Molecular Gastronomy
kevinEats blog | musings of a ravenous foodie
CSTEM | Communication plus STEM
Foresight Institute
SAS | Society for Amateur Scientists
Society for Science & the Public | Inform. Educate. Inspire.
Debbie Berebichez | physicist & financial analyst
Brian Greene | theoretical physicist
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson | marine biologist
Michio Kaku | theoretical physicist
Wallace J. Nichols | marine biologist
Bill Nye | the science guy
Steve Spangler | science ambassador
Neil deGrasse Tyson | astrophysicist
The Science Channel | Discovery's Science Channel