NewsFusion for August 2016
- Scientists in Brazil create robot-like machine to help spinal injury patients | NPR
- ScienceDebate offers 20 questions for US 2016 presidential candidates | Science Debate
- The physics of those amazing gymnast flips in the Olympics | Wired
- Letter signed by over 100 designers in support of Apple teaches the US Supreme Court about design law and the role of design in tech | Quartz
- A brief history of athletic wear and fashion in the Olympics | Jezebel
- Sports-themed architecture, town planning, and other arts used to be competitive sport in Olympics | Curbed
- Maori worldview leads New Zealand to grant personhood to lands and rivers | NY Times
- 2016 World Nomad Games just around the corner, September 3-8, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
- Shifting Sands Reveal ancient Hawaiian Petroglyphs at Waiʻanae on Oahu | MauiNow