In each issue we present our Conflux Gallery, a matrix of science, design, and culture images from around the interwebs that inspire us. Simply click on the thumbnail to enjoy what awaits after the jump, more info on full images below the gallery.

Top row, L to R:
- Carlo Rovelli: 'I felt the beautiful adventure of physics was a story that had to be told, The Guardian, image credit: Pier Marco Tacca/Getty via The Guardian
- Biomimicry @ 20: A conversation with Janine Benyus, Greenbiz
- The DNA of ancient Canaanites lives on in modern-day Lebanese, genetic analysis shows, Los Angeles Times, image credit: Claude Doumet-Serhal
Middle row, L to R:
- Here/Hear Now! Socially Engaged Design, University of Michigan Design Science website
- Gucci and Beyond, 2017 ad campaign
- NI Designs ʻUlu T-Shirt, Native Intelligence
Bottom row, L to R: