Confab | 002 | Pillars of Hope | Conjecture

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Some people consider horoscopes to be insights from the universe while others consider them pure nonsense. Either way, they are still really fun to read.

One thing we DO know here at Future-ish is that researchers have found season of birth does actually impact us in many ways. So to have a little fun, the team from Studio F gathers over cocktails for each issue of Confab to make 'inferences', as we say in the science world, based on what we do know from research on seasonal biology for our readers who share our passion for science, design, and culture.

We suggest you read them over cocktails as well. Enjoy!

If you were born in an autumn tend to think way ahead so you're already planning your spring vacation plans, likely a spot with interesting natural history to be seen and experienced. Your journey to find inspiration may take you to a local art museum or music concert. Your long view also suggests you'll be adding local cultural festivals to your calendar far in advance.

If you were born in a winter're an early bird so get up early and make the most of those wee hours of the morning, including watching for real life early birds out your window. You're adventurous trait leads you to the local makers space to get your crafty on. Find inspiration from the cultures of the world but make sure to credit the original source to avoid cultural appropriation.

If you were born in a spring usual, you're out to save the planet with new out-of-the-box ideas. Your design mind will want to seek out the latest innovative products to save the planet as well. Find a region of the world you've never heard of and explore it online or travel there if you can. If you can't, travel somewhere nearby that you've never visited.

If you were born in a summer someone born into long nights, you know how to make the best of nightlife, whether its watching bats fly at dusk or dancing the night away at a club. Your particular adventurous side will lead you to new creative experiences, across the glob or across the street. If you are up late, look for the season's constellations, the ones we know in Western worldviews but also constellations names from other cultures.

Additional reading on seasonal biology...